Financial Aid for International Students - StudieForis

Financial Aid for International Students

What is financial Aid?

A complicated subject! Simply said, it is the money required to pay for education. Scholarships, grants, loans, and student work are all forms of financial aid. Many families are astounded when they see the ticket price of a college education. It can be difficult and stressful for anyone, especially international students, to figure out how to finance their education. That is why part of my job is to assist students and families in finding schools that are both a good fit and reasonably priced. Financial aid can assist families in affording education without putting a strain on their household budget.

Can international students apply for federal aid?

No. International students do not qualify for federal aid and thus cannot submit a Federal Application for Student Financial Aid (FASFA). They can, however, apply for potentially large sums of money that schools, whether public or private, have at their disposal. They fill out the College Scholarships Service (CSS)profile, depending on the school. It is unusual to receive complete assistance and, in some cases, the more money your family is willing to pay, the more doors will open.

What kind of aid is available for international students?

The college/university provides the most significant form of assistance. This aid is classified as "need-based," "merit-based," or a mix of the two, as well as private scholarships or loans (repaid upon completion of studies). Private scholarships are not connected to the government or the school, and students can look for organizations or private companies that provide such assistance. The web offers information and lists of well-known institutions that provide scholarships for international students such as and scholar4dev.

What is “need-based” financial aid?

This form of aid is based on your family’s financial situation. International students fill out the CSS Profile, and colleges will determine if the student needs assistance. Unfortunately, not everyone that qualifies for need-based aid will receive it. Colleges are not required to meet 100% of each student's needs. Since many institutions grant scholarships on a first-come, first-served basis, submit your financial aid and college applications as soon as possible to increase your chances of receiving need-based aid. The CSS profile is usually available on October 1st of every year, and each school assigns a deadline. As with the admission application, the profile can be submitted before the deadline.

Who qualifies for “merit-based” financial aid?

Merit-aid is awarded based on academic and extracurricular (art, music, sports…) achievements. In other words, colleges have a specific student profile they try to attract and sometimes it does not have to be related to academics or sports, but it could simply be from a desired location. There is no need to apply for “merit-based” aid. A student will be considered for the merit award when applying for admission to the school.

Can international students apply for federal loans?

No. International students are not eligible to receive federal loans. They can, however, be eligible for loans from a private institution or a lender. Loans are legal agreements, and it is important to be very careful when looking into this type of financial aid.

Are international students allowed to work while in the United States?

Yes. International students are allowed to work if enrolled full-time and with a valid F-1 visa status. They are permitted to work on campus for up to 20 hours per week when classes are in session and up to 40 hours per week when classes are not in session. Please check with the international student office and inquire about U.S. federal taxes regulation.

What is the difference between Need-blind and Need-aware?

Need-blind admission means that the ability of a family to pay or not to pay for college will not be considered when deciding to accept, wait list, or deny a student. However, it does not mean that the student will receive financial aid even if he/she demonstrates need. There are some institutions that are need-blind for domestic students and need-aware for international students. What is need-aware? When deciding whether to accept a student, need-aware schools consider the family's ability to pay tuition. For international students, only five institutions are need-blind: Harvard, Yale, MIT, Princeton, and Amherst.

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