Il nuovo test SAT digitale: cosa possono aspettarsi gli studenti internazionali
If you are planning to study abroad, you should be aware of the changes taking place in the testing world. The College Board has announced that starting from March 2023, international students will only be able to take the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) entirely online. No paper-based tests will be administered by any international site. The plus side, the test will be cut shorter from three hours to two hours. It will be administered in schools or test centers, but not at home.
What has stayed the same?
- The test will still test the same knowledge and skills as the old paper version
- The scores remain the same, at the 1600 scale
- Required to be eligible for scholarships
- Have free practice online
What has changed?
- Each student will have a different test, making it impossible to cheat
- More time to answer questions in the reading section (shorter reading texts)
- Shorter passages in the reading section
- Faster results within days
- A sheet with math formulas will be available for reference
- A calculator will be allowed for the entire math section, not just for specific parts
- The students can use their own laptop or tablet. If they do not own a device, the College Board will provide one on the day of the test.
The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted many changes and pushed society to adapt quickly to new trends. Many colleges and universities still adhere to the test-optional policy that was implemented in response to the pandemic. According to the College Board, the new digital SAT was created to be easier in the hopes that more students will take the test. After all, many top tier institutions, and scholarships programs, still require SAT scores to apply for admission. The new changes appear to be student-friendly and provide compelling incentives to give it a shot. Good luck!